Day 15- Finally in “pots” & not a moment too soon.
Day 15- Well I finally got the seedlings into Solo cups. I picked up soil from the Soil Masters this afternoon and so I was able to transplant the seedlings from their “germination pods,” to full “pots.” (Solo cups) It was more difficult than I thought it was going to be; I had to be extraordinarily careful because the root systems are still not formed and the stems were extremely long. The stems have gotten so long, I decided to bury some of the stem in the soil. Watering was my next task, and I decided to come up with a method to measure the amount of water I gave the seedlings so that I am being consistent. A turkey baster is what I came up with; seriously, I’m using a turkey baster to water the seedlings. I put 2 “baster fulls” in each cup. Two hours later when I checked the seedlings, they had bounced back a little but now felt a little dry already. I decided to put one more “baster” in each cup. It is now 8 pm and the lights in the tent will go off at 9. I think the seedlings are all set for bed. 😉