Day 31.1- This morning I opened the tent up expecting webs to be everywhere. Incredibly, there was still only one. I marveled at my good luck. It wasn’t lost on me however that something drastic needed to be done. It was time to re pot the plants into their bigger final pots.
I went to see the guys at the Soil Makers and told them about the web and the flies. I was told, the web was probably from one spider and I should “leave it there because spiders eat other bugs😉.” As far as the flies, they’re called fungus gnats and most people get them. Fungus gnats are a product of over watering, a result of wet sitting soil. I was guided to get something to dry the soil out a little like sand or mulch. I have heard about using mulch, but I have never in my life seen a marijuana plant mulched in with pretty flowers.